Celebrating 20 Years of the Moldova Peace Corps

Nestled in Eastern Europe, landlocked between Romania and Ukraine, is a little gem called Moldova. Like many people, I was completely unaware that the former Soviet-ruled country existed. Now, after one year as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV), Moldova is “home.”
There are many reasons I feel fortunate to be a PCV in Moldova. First, and foremost, my administration and fellow PCVs are the most inspiring and supportive individuals to work alongside. Secondly, this tiny country has achieved momentous success as it moves forward from the Soviet era. This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the Peace Corps program in Moldova. To commemorate this occasion, myself and fellow PCVs have created an event called Storytellers.
This is an opportunity to spotlight the host country, its residents, and how two different cultures can achieve common goals through the Core Expectations of the Peace Corps program.
This event will be held in Chisinau, Moldova on August 14, 2013. The goal of Storytellers is to reflect upon Peace Corps service in Moldova over the past 20 years through a sequence of stories that will be shared live by 16 presenters, as well as, pre-recorder videos from those who are unable to attend. The event will take the audience on a journey from the beginning of Peace Corps Moldova in 1993 to the present day as presenters recollect the challenges and achievements which have paved the way for new advancements.
Storytellers is not simply a Peace Corps event. This is an opportunity to spotlight the host country, its residents, and how two different cultures can achieve common goals through the Core Expectations of the Peace Corps program.
Celebrating 20 Years of Moldova Peace Corps.
In the meantime, the Storytellers team has vigorously been working to provide some sneak-previews of the event through our Facebook page, Twitter handle, and website. I encourage everyone to take a moment to view these media outlets, enjoy the videos, laugh at the stories shared, and realize the impact that a little “peace, love, and friendship” can have on those around you.

Celebrating 20 Years of Moldova Peace Corps
Related Reading
- The Peace Corps and Beyond: A Conversation with Kelly Branyik
- What’s it Like to Be a Peace Corps Volunteer?
- Joining the Peace Corps and Pursing My Master’s in Moldova
- The 5 Biggest Myths about the Peace Corps
Have you volunteered with the Peace Corps? What were your impressions? Email us at editor@pinkpangea.com for information about sharing your experience and advice with the Pink Pangea community. We can’t wait to hear from you.
Photo credits by Unsplash and Lindsey Reyshas.
I have REALLY enjoyed reading some of the sneak previews and I am very much looking forward to August 14th! Thanks for all your hard work Lindsey.
Check us out online!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/storytellerspcm
Twitter: @storytellerspcm
Thank you Pink Pangea!