What are you grateful for today? 

Gratitude doesn’t always come easily. It can be easier to focus on what we lack, or what other people have. Like all virtues, gratitude requires cultivation — and doing something actively to feel gratitude is a powerful tool.

This workshop is designed for those of us who are interested in exploring how to mindfully tune in to gratitude. Join us for a new live Zoom writing workshop and we’ll dive in, together. 

During the writing workshop, we will:

  • Participate in innovative writing exercises designed to boost our connection with gratitude
  • Uncover insights about our past and present experiences
  • Share our stories with a community of international women writers

After completing Pink Pangea workshops, women have written for major publications, launched their own blogs, or continued to write in their journals. Others have simply enjoyed trying something new. All participants will receive a recording of the workshop.

Date: August 11, 2024
Location: Zoom
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT
Cost: $12 USD
Register here: (limited spots)

Once you submit your payment we will email you to confirm your registration (within 24 hours), to your PayPal email address. Questions? Email us at [email protected]

Gratitude: An Online Writing Workshop

“This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before.” – Maya Angelou

Workshop Reviews

“I came out of it a different person than I went in…[Jaclyn] made us linger in our discomfort long enough to compel us to make a change. In fact, she had to relinquish control in order for it to be a catalyst. That’s a mark of a great teacher.” – Stephen Elliot, Travel Writing Workshop participant

This workshop helped me and lit an inner flame, especially as a writer whose passion lies in writing memoirs. Not only did I call both of my grandmothers after this workshop to ask them about life in their 20s, but I took an honest look at myself as my 20s are shortly coming to an end. Have I done enough, have I made my imprint on the world as a woman writer? Are there more stories I have to tell? Thank you, Pink Pangea, for another eye (and heart) opening writing workshop.” — Raquel Reyes

“The workshop provided a safe and inspiring space to think about my own writing, and hear from other travelers and writers. I came away with some concrete tools, and an idea or two for future pieces!” – Rachel Romesburg Rice

“I love traveling. And I love writing. So when a friend told me about the Pink Pangea writing workshop, I went right away. And it opened a new sphere of writing for me.” – Britta Kollberg

“Participating in an online workshop with Jaclyn Mishal, is the next best thing to being on a retreat in some exotic location with her. Sitting comfortably in my study wearing pajamas and slippers, I felt that I was almost in the same room with her, enjoying her challenging writing prompts and exercises.”— Naomi Baum

Writing Workshop

About the facilitator, Jaclyn Mishal

Jaclyn Mishal is a co-founder of Pink Pangea.  Since 2006, Jaclyn has worked in the travel industry, connecting thousands of individuals with international academic, volunteer, and internship opportunities. In addition to her work devoted to making the “gap year” mainstream, Jaclyn played an integral role in developing international service learning programs.

An entrepreneur, writing teacher and an inspirational public speaker, Jaclyn’s speciality is guiding people to express themselves fully. Her creative guided writing activities help even the most seasoned writers break out of their habits and expand their abilities.

Jaclyn has led writing and Fearless Living workshops internationally in partnership with colleges and companies, including Google, Barnard College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, Wellesley College, Wagner College, REI, Global Yoga Journeys and Hostelling International. Each year, Jaclyn leads writing retreats in Costa Rica, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Greece, Portugal and Israel. According to Jaclyn, writing enables us to access parts of ourselves that we may have trouble expressing otherwise.

Jaclyn holds a B.S. from Binghamton University. She is a certified yoga instructor, whose travels have taken her through the Middle East, Europe, North America, Central America and Southeast Asia.

Jaclyn’s maternal grandmother survived the Holocaust and her paternal grandmother fled Baghdad, Iraq. To them, Jaclyn dedicates her work to providing a space for women to share their stories.

Read testimonials from past writing workshop participants here. For more information about Pink Pangea’s online writing workshops email us at [email protected].

Writing from the soul

