6 Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Relationship

During our time apart, we’re discovering more about ourselves as individuals, and we are also appreciating our synergy more. But for every awesome realization, there are two more bouts of loneliness. When your other half is halfway across the world, it helps to take advantage of anything that can help you bridge the gap between here and there. Here are of my favorite tips for keeping your long distance relationship alive:
6 Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Relationship
1) Keep in touch, but not too much.
If you talk every day, you’ll have nothing to talk about during your next conversation. I know it’s tempting to call your significant other whenever you get the chance, but free time isn’t always “(s)he” time. Use that time to get lost, visit an exhibition or eat at a new restaurant. It’ll make for a better story and consequently a better conversation later on.
2) Snapchat (or Instagram or iMessage)
It’s fun to share experiences! Take pictures of your adventures and give your partner live updates on what you’re doing via photo or video. It’s a fun way to keep him/her engaged in what you’re doing.
3)Remember that they’re doing things too
It’s fairly easy to think that the rest of the world stopped spinning when you left the country. But despite the fact that you’re traveling and meeting great people and learning new fun facts, there are still things happening at home. Don’t overtake the conversation with your stories. Be sure to keep up with what’s happening where they are too.
Six Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Relationship.
4) Date Night
Pick a time, date and movie. Set up a video chat. Share screens. Done!
5) Ordering Food
It may be a nice treat to have food delivered to your partner. Call (or order online from) a local restaurant and get his/her favorite item dropped off at the dorm.
6) Say I love you often
When you’re apart, you miss out on physical intimacy and it’s difficult to show affection non-verbally. You never realize how much happiness is in a hug until you can no longer snuggle in someone’s arms at will. But hearing, “I love you” in that familiar voice, even if it’s over Viber, is a great alternative.
Six Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Relationship photo by Pixabay.