What It’s Like to Be a Woman in Tanzania

One of the biggest struggles a woman in Tanzania faces is living with the cultural attitudes towards women. As a strong, independent, educated young woman who is known for being blunt and for always speaking her mind, dealing with the attitude towards women here has been difficult.
Take that young woman and place her into a culture that believes that the opinion of women is probably wrong and always to be ignored, and fireworks explode on the inside. I have had to make a number of changes in the way I would normally go about my daily life. I have learned to bite my tongue, to accept when my opinion is ignored, and to date in a completely different way.
What It’s Like to Be a Woman in Tanzania
I am a feminist—I believe in the equality of men and women, and in equality for every person. Most of the locals here have never heard the word feminist, and culturally the concept is foreign to them. While the men here are in many ways Westernised, they have no acceptance of the concept of equality. Everyday situations arise where my mind is screaming that I should be shown some respect, but I understand that I have chosen to be here and it is not my place to try and alter the cultures and traditions.
If she cannot carry a baby to term the danger is not only that her husband will leave her, but also her whole family and her friends might ostracize her.
Standing up for what I believe in often makes me the ‘crazy white woman’—a title I accept if it means that I am not being tricked into paying inflated prices or buying into corruption. Day to day living though requires tongue biting, and not making a scene.
I have been here for three years now, and I have found it much more difficult to make local female friends than male. I think one of the reasons is that I meet fewer local women than men. They are not running schools or orphanages, or in fact businesses in general, so I meet fewer and rarely have an opportunity to socialise with them. The attitude of many I have met see us all as disrespectful white women, who won’t be here for long.
It is acceptable for men to cheat, but completely unacceptable for women.
It is also seen as a women’s job to successfully carry children. A young woman with whom I worked has miscarried four children. She is so scared that she is unable to do her ‘duty’ and her husband will leave her. If she cannot carry a baby to term the danger is not only that her husband will leave her, but also her whole family and her friends might ostracize her. Nothing anyone can say or do will help her with this.
What It’s Like to Be a Woman in Tanzania
Most Tanzanian men have several girlfriends—and the married ones, several wives. Cheating in their relationships is an everyday occurrence. It is acceptable for men to cheat, but completely unacceptable for women. In most cases, this is how it works here. In the cross cultural relationships I have witnessed here, or been a part of, trust is a significant issue. That and the fact that women in Tanzania should not question what her man chooses to tell her—to do so is to show disrespect.
It is difficult to reconcile the woman you are, with the woman you need to be to survive. It is a steep learning curve—knowing when to stand up for yourself, and when to let it go.
The culture here reminds me of western culture sixty or more years ago, when women rarely working outside the home. They cooked and cleaned, while the men took care of business. So it is here—for the most part.
A woman coming to Africa needs to be ready for this piece of culture. It is difficult to reconcile the woman you are, with the woman you need to be to survive. It is a steep learning curve—knowing when to stand up for yourself, and when to let it go. I am grateful for technology, and the ability to stay in contact with the women in my other life at home. Without having them there, I would find it difficult to survive here.
This is What It’s Like to Be a Woman in Tanzania
Related Reading
Romance, Health, and Safety in Zanzibar: A Conversation with Katrina Marks
Have you traveled to Tanzania? What were you impressions? Email us at [email protected] for information about sharing your experience with the Pink Pangea community. We can’t wait to hear from you.
This is What It’s Like to Be a Woman in Tanzania.
Which organization did you volunteer with? Do you need any help with your NGO?
I enjoyed your article. Thanks!
Hi Pip,
I’ve read your article with keen interest and noted one thing which I want to comment on.
The reason views of women are often ignored is down to the substance which they possess. For a long time, Education, Money and Wealth(and not Looks) have dominated on the list of people’s comparative advantages in our society. Believe you me, If one fares badly on the above stuff, they’re deemed non-influential and almost useless by those that score high on the same. Give a woman a good education…she’ll find a well paying job, accumulate wealth hence boosting her social status and her voice can NEVER be ignored. She’ll command the same respect men have out there because she’s independent and influential…She’ll have a say in the aspects that matter most in our lives be it Politics, Economics, Family and just about everything. A beautiful but illiterate woman may only appeal in the bedroom but not the public domain. So the problem is not necessarily the oppressive men per se. While not condoning the unacceptable behaviour of some of the men, the blame should be put on women as well for not putting so much effort in breaking off those chains society put on them.
I am Australian and was with at Tanzanian man (I use the word man lightly) for 4.5 years. I found out that we had also married with children! How did I find this out when he was charged with rape of a child under the age of 14 years old and impregnated her! Due to the laws in TZ he was give the right to decide on his sentencing 40 years in jail or marry her, he married her. The victim expelled from school and not allowed to be educated due to the shame SHE brought on the family!!! The moment I found this out I was obviously physically sick and ended all contact even though I was still his wifey in his mind. Moving on 2 years I tried another relationship with a Tanzania man in Australia, it came to light that he was separated (not legally) had a girl friend and was on charges for sexual assault and attempted rape of a TZ girl. No more African men! I went black and sure as hell not going back!!!!
I would like to say thank to you all who had that chance to visit Tanzania and also I had an experience about Tanzania culture. Inspire of your experience there is something that I could to say regarding the point of relationship, while reading the comment I was shocked to fall on a comment an Australian girl or woman I don’t know but my focus goes straight to her message, she said; she has been in relationship with twice with Tanzanian guy but unfortunately it never walk out for her. She made wrong choice which lately cost her but instead of her to understand that it can happen for both men and women to make wrong choice and to be found with a wrong one day, but the amazed things she is saying is that, she has decided no African anymore. So let’s be wise and intelligent is it possible after your own understanding th a two Austrian girls or guy can represent all European around the world? Or is it possible to judge Africa because two guy who disappointed you? Woman I want you to apologize for you have said regarding other innocence African. And also I apologize to yourself as well because, there is nothing you did not to bring change to that society who need your help for change. Learn to not quite fast but seek the fact and understand the situation before you quite.
sorry about the question marks “?’… it s typo error… ?… suppose commer??? or full stop?.?
hi toyi?hawa?
sorry to hear abt it…but cheer up pls…
nowsaday tanzania men are different ?a lot of them been gone thru good education n knowledge. They are more understanding now?of course not all. i was very lucky i met my lover who was also tanzania . at first?i was scared too abt african men as what ive read thru from internet. but after being get intouch wt him?he as tanzania man really bravo n modern?who hopes to have same equal treatment with ladies.
so pls cheer up?tomorrow always better than today?you will have better luck ?better fate?better man?all the best soon.
God blessed u?Amen?