Why Greece is More Stable Than You Think

When people tell you that Greece is an unstable country, do not believe them. The recent debates on Greek sovereign debt crisis and a highly possible insolvency put a dark shadow on this Balkan diamond, however after spending three summers experiencing Greek life, I am sure that this country is more stable than people believe.
Greece is More Stable Than You Think
While spending my summers here during university, I observed that there were some things that never changed in Greece. First of all, Greece is in a constant economic crisis. Before heading to Greece for the first time in 2011, my friends laughed at me for choosing to work in one of the most economically problematic countries in Europe.
Once I arrived, my mom continuously asked me about the strikes. Since strikes are as common as your daily breakfast, Greeks pay them much less attention than does the Western media. While it is a bit scary to see armed policemen and riots in the middle of Athens, I eventually got used to those, too. Like everyone else, I started checking Greek website to anticipate strikes.
Since strikes are as common as your daily breakfast, Greeks pay them much less attention than does the Western media.
Another thing which does not change here is the Greek attitude towards everything that has the root “euro” in its name. It can vary from the local currency to European Union to the Parliament to the Commission. To be honest, I have never met a Greek who is in favor of our beloved common European project. I guarantee that the majority of Greeks will say that the old “drachma” days were more prosperous and happier for ordinary citizens and that now politicians are just letting Greece become poor.
Perhaps there is truth in these statements. Maybe the radical left-wing Syriza won the parliament elections for a reason? After all, one of my friend’s mothers has been without a job for seven years. However, I also question people who claim that all of his/her problems are a consequence of a governmental policy.
Greek Debt: Greece is More Stable Than You Think
Despite Greece’s economic hardship, there are still so many things about Greece that remain stable. For example, each summer I headed to Cyclades, where the transportation schedule always remained the same. I caught a regular 07:25 or 17:30 Blue Star ferry to Paros Island, and once again found myself experiencing the magic of Greece.
Greek Debt: Greece is More Stable Than You Think top photo credit by Unsplash.