Beauty Secrets of Italian Women

When most people think of Italian women, the image is usually something like this: beautiful, dressed impeccably and walking along cobblestone streets in heels.
As a first generation Canadian with Italian parents, my blood is technically Italian, but growing up in Canada has made me a little more Canadian than Italian (I think!?). I’m not sure if I am quite like the Italian women in Italy, or if I ever will be.
I just don’t have the Italian coolness or sexiness. In Canada, I think I can put an outfit together and look nice. In Italy, I feel like I have no style and am wearing the equivalent of mom jeans (which I’m sure they could even rock). When I think of the quintessential Italian woman I think of Sophia Loren or Monica Bellucci.
The difference between those images and real life is the women are not as overtly sexy as one would think. They have more of an understated sexiness and coolness about them. Living in Milan, it’s like I’m walking around a city full of fashion bloggers.
All of these qualities I’ve noticed from style to behaviour may come down to that one trait so many of us women seem to lack – confidence.
I have been to Italy a few times and one thing I can say for certain is I have never seen an Italian woman in yoga pants unless she was exercising. During one of my first trips to Italy, a female cousin said she had to change (I thought she looked nice), but she said, “I can’t go out like this.”
Where were we going? Somewhere fancy? The answer is no. We went for a short tour of the city in a car. We wouldn’t even be stepping out of the car! There are times when I look like hell and only leave the house because I know I am not getting out of the car. Maybe I could use a few lessons from the women here.
So what are some main differences that separate the Italian women from the rest of us regular gals? Here’s a list of the few big ones I’ve noticed:
Beauty Secrets of Italian Women
As I mentioned, Italian women don’t leave the house in sweats. From young girls to elderly women, they are dressed properly when they go out. Hey, I love being comfortable, but there is something to be said about taking pride in how you present yourself to the world. This doesn’t mean they are in heels everyday, but they are polished looking. This starts from their hair to their makeup to their shoes.
This summer, they’re wearing sneakers with everything–skirts, dresses, and sequins. The lesson is that Converse go with everything. I just feel like a tourist sporting sneakers with everything, but somehow they manage to make it look good. They also wear whatever they want no matter what size they are.
When it comes to makeup, I would like to know how theirs manages to look fresh in the sweltering heat. They must have secret Italian makeup they don’t share with the rest of us.
Beauty Secrets of Italian Women
Expressive Behaviour
In North America what we may consider rude is almost standard in Italy. Women say what they want at any range of voice. My mother says Italians are expressive. I say dramatic, but whatever it is, I come from a country that is diplomatic and says sorry far too often. I don’t say how I feel when I’m concerned about offending someone. Not here.
I can’t help but envy Italian women for that reason.
They do what they want. Drink, smoke, tan, eat carbs, sugar and dairy. What planet am I on? And yet they look pretty good. I’m worried about wrinkles and cancer so I avoid smoking and try to stay out of the sun (though here I have been neglecting the sun rule).
Most of the women in Milan are extremely thin, and yet, I see them eating pizza and gelato, without feeling guilty afterwards. Yes, they are health and weight conscience, but it’s not something that is discussed 24/7. They seem to enjoy life more because they don’t worry as much if smoking will cause cancer, if the sun will cause wrinkles or if that piece of pizza is going to bloat them.
All of these qualities I’ve noticed from style to behaviour may come down to that one trait so many of us women seem to lack – confidence. It is so refreshing to see women of all ages, shapes and sizes wearing bikinis.
Yes, women in Italy are beautiful, but they are also strong. We can all learn something from Italian women, and that goes far beyond their exterior package.
Beauty Secrets of Italian Women
Related Reading
Moving to Italy, Learning Italian, and Falling in Love
A Toast to My Italian Self-Worth
Have you traveled to Italy? How was your trip? Email us at [email protected] for information about sharing your experience and advice with the Pink Pangea community. We can’t wait to hear from you.
Beauty Secrets of Italian Women photo credit Jessica Shen.
Loved Annie’s article!