On Living in Australia and Picking up Many Australia-isms

Below are some of the fun and random words I think many Americans may want to know prior to hopping over here for a trip (though this is certainly not everything):
Entrée: This actually refers to the first course (our appetizer/starter), which is then usually followed by the “main.”
Serviettes: Napkins!
Schooner: A specific size of beer, which is normally in between the pint and the pot (half pint).
Food counter: Many restaurants actually require you to go to the food counter to order and pay for your food, either giving you a buzzer to pick it up when the food is ready or a number for it to be delivered to your table.
Tomato sauce: The Australia version of Ketchup, which is not quite as sweet as the American kind.
“May I please have the bill?”: In Australia, a customer must ask for the bill because Australians think it is rude for waiters to just bring it to the table.
Booking: Instead of making a reservation for a restaurant, they say booking.
Sweet as: Awesome, cool, good.
No dramas: No worries, not a problem.
Jug: Pitcher of beer, Coke, ice, etc.
Coffee: Ordering a coffee in Australia isn’t as simple as that; you need to specify the type of coffee ranging from latte, cappuccino, macchiato, or long black, which is the typical Americano.
Arvo: This is the abbreviated way of saying afternoon.
Hanging: Usually refers to a hangover.
Togs: Swimsuit, though I’ve been told it is only used in Queensland.
Take away: Food to go or take out.
Brekkie: Breakfast
Bickies: This is short for biscuits, which can mean cookies or crackers depending on the usage.
Bush: The woods.
Bogan: Similar to Redneck.
Mate’s rate: A deal, discount or friend’s deal.
Skull: Similar to our “chug.” This is used when wanting a person to finish his drink.
Bake: Going for a sunbathe.
Ute: Type of truck but more commonly used to refer to the vehicle that is half car and half truck.
I want to give a huge thanks to all of my favorite customers, co-workers and local friends for laughing at me every time I asked what a word meant or said something funny to you!