I Was Terrified of Heights: Parasailed 400 Feet in the Air

I am a simple and languid woman who will run away from the smallest of adventures–so much so that I was crying for 15 minutes before one of the Universal Studio rides! Yes, that’s how timid I am. Much to my husband’s disappointment, I often fear the things I’ve never done.
But after three years of marriage, he finally convinced me to go parasailing in Key West, Florida. One week before our trip, there was a small voice inside me urging me to try it. But I wasn’t sure what would happen on “D Day.” Would the voice drown beneath the weight of my fear of heights or would it soar high with motivation? I had to go and see for myself!
Key West is a small island on the southernmost tip of Florida, which is famous for its limes, adventure water sports and of course, its coral beauty. The best time to visit Key West is in the winter when the sun is most bearable.
Just then one of my fellow passengers commented, “What if one of the strings breaks while we’re up in the air?”
While there are many sites to see in Key West, we were focused on parasailing! We signed up for our tour through The Fury Water Adventures. While waiting for our turn, I nervously stared at the gear, which would be holding us up in the air. Just then one of my fellow passengers commented, “What if one of the strings breaks while we’re up in the air?”And that was it. The little courageous voice inside of me began to drown. The first group went up in the sky and returned. Then the second group left. Finally, it was our turn.
Here’s my secret. Whenever I have done something scary like this, I’ve closed my eyes and prayed for it to be over as soon as possible. After pleading with God to make it pass quickly, the guide helped me with the gear. We stepped onto the ship deck, sat down, and were tied to the parachute. Slowly, we started going up. My heartbeats increased, and my prayers increased double fold.
As we floated into the air, my husband tried to persuade me to let go. But, I refused, and held onto the rope as a child might cling to her mother. Finally, after 10 minutes, I let go of one hand.
I Was Terrified of Heights and then I Parasailed 400 Feet in the Air.
We soared high above the clouds, staring at the water beneath. I looked down, terrified. My husband followed my eyes, and became scared as well. But then he told me to look at the horizon, the colors, the ships, and the birds. It was at this point that I stopped praying and started looking! It was breathtaking! I was a bird, looking at the beautiful world below me. The water was blue, pink and green, taking its hues from the sky, plants and sunlight. If I could capture a moment to be cherished forever, it would definitely have been this one.
We were lowered down, and touched the waters. It looked as if we were walking on water. Finally, we were back on the ship and I gave a sigh of relief! Still, I was thrilled that I’d done something I never thought I would try.
While removing my gear, I heard a small applause. Then someone shouted, ‘You go girl!’
I Was Terrified of Heights and then I Parasailed 400 Feet in the Air photos by Pradnya Vernekar .