Sweet Pea Adventures: A Conversation with Tanya Ezrol

Tell us about yourself! What do you do when you’re not traveling the world? Where are you from? Where do you currently live?
I’m currently a property manager of a senior housing apartment complex outside of downtown Los Angeles. I grew up around the area and have enjoyed living abroad and traveling and adventures, but there is no place in the world like LA. I live onsite with the old folks, so all my neighbors are 65 years or older.
What first inspired you to start your blog? Since then, which destinations have you covered?
I was traveling through Southeast Asia last November when news broke about the Paris attacks. One night a few days after the attacks I saw a story about the various acts of art created (i.e., paintings, songs, poems) to show global solidarity and love to the people of Paris. It got me thinking about my role in showing empathy and love for those who are hurting. I very strongly believe that if people had a better understanding of different cultures, saw how people lived elsewhere, and got to know a foreign nation, they would have a greater appreciation for human life and increase their compassion towards humanity. So I knew I wanted to come home and create something that people could experience, something that would connect them to the world in an inspiring way.
Since I started the blog I’ve covered Cuba, Vietnam, Thailand, and a couple National Parks in the US, Joshua Tree and Kings Canyon. My blog is called Sweet Pea Adventures.
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What is the main purpose of Sweet Pea Adventures? Is there a message that you’re trying to convey to your readers?
Every time I travel I come back with a sense of renewed gratitude for the blessings I have, as well as a new love for the people and countries I had the pleasure of getting to know. I created this blog to help people see that traveling isn’t out of reach for them, and so that I can help others go on awesome adventures, with the hope that they will be better people for it.
What gets you into the writing mode?
Whenever I get an idea for an article I want to write, I jot it down as a note on my phone. After I finish publishing that article I put a little check mark next to it. The feeling of scrolling through my notes and seeing all the check marks inspires me to get to writing. Feeling accomplished gets me into writing mode for sure!
What are some exciting partnerships, connections, or opportunities that have come out of your blog?
I haven’t had any partnerships just yet, the blog has only been live for two months, so it’s still just a baby. But I’ve gotten a great response so far and hope to make some connections soon!
Is your blog a business?
My blog isn’t a business yet. Right now I’m focused on creating engaging content and building a strong following. In the future I can totally see myself writing an e-book and offering paid services. This is definitely something I will be working towards.
What advice would you give to other women who are interested in launching a travel blog?
Just do it already! It is so easy to get discouraged with the various challenges that come with starting a blog. Get into an online community group to be able to get help from people who have been in your shoes before. Make YouTube your best friend, watch videos to help explain technical stuff like SEO and WordPress plugins. Have fun with it! No one has your stories or your experiences and that’s what makes you unique!
Photo by Unsplash.