Discovering My Passion for Sailing in Australia
I have also discovered a new passion for sailing. I’ve been able to get on a sailboat a few times while traveling up the coast and enjoyed everything from the sound as the wind hit the sails to the feeling of the waves crashing against the side.

When I came to Port Douglas, I learned from Yacht Club members that there is free sailing on Wednesday evenings. Have a few drinks at the club and members will take you out for a sail. Once I settled in Port Douglas, I was been able to meet some amazing people who really gave me the opportunity to discover this passion. Each week the Yacht Club hosts races for the members and each week I’ve been right there on a boat, sailing.
Discovering My Passion for Sailing in Australia
During these weekends, I’ve learned how to jive, what side of the boat is port, how to tell which direction the wind is coming, and how quickly the weather can change. I have enjoyed it all: from a beautiful day with blue skies and endless sun to a stormy afternoon where you can’t see another boat for miles.
Today my arms are sore and my knees are bruised, but I can’t wait until next Saturday to do it all again.
Who knows where things may lead when you’re open to trying new things and having new experiences. And if you find yourself in Port Douglas, Australia don’t forget to stop by the Yacht Club on a Wednesday evening for drinks. Then ask a yacht captain to take you out for a free sail against the sunset.