Montenegro Travel Tips: Sarah’s Take on Health, Safety and Romance

Traveling to Montenegro? Sarah Pavlovic presents her travel tips about health, romance, women’s rights and safety:
Montenegro Travel Tips: Health Information
Feminine Hygienic Products in Montenegro: What’s available/what’s legal/where to buy them?
Tampons and pads are widely available at supermarkets. Pads are much more common so on occasion you might have to visit a couple of supermarkets to find tampons.
Birth Control in Montenegro: What’s available/what’s legal/where to buy them?
Condoms are available in supermarkets and the contraceptive pill is available from gynecologists.
Gynecologists in Montenegro: Are there any that you recommend? How, if at all, is a visit different from at home?
I recommend Vita Feminae in Dobrota in the Bay of Kotor. I used them throughout my pregnancy and found the service friendly, modern and I felt like I was in good hands.
Breastfeeding in Montenegro: What are accepted places for women to breastfeed? Is it accepted to do so in public?
Breastfeeding is accepted in public. I have seen very few local women breastfeed in public but lots of tourists do it and I have been doing it for the last year and a half without incident. I can’t imagine any local accosting a breastfeeding woman. Children are cherished in the Balkans.
Montenegro Travel Tips: Romance
Dating Locals in Montenegro: What are the norms and traditions? What should women look out for?
Montenegro is a conservative society. Women should expect local men to pay for drinks and meals, open doors, etc. You should be on the look out for the local men who will try to get friendly with you because foreign women are known for being ‘easier’ than local women.
Types of Montenegrin Men: Describe a few “typical” types of men.
The Professional: in his 20s, wears loafers and Ray Bans, is or wants to be in a professional position, hangs out where it’s cool to be seen.
The Balkanite: over 30, wears his t-shirt rolled up over his substantial stomach so you can admire his chest hair, swaggers, drives a car from the 80s.
The Balkan Businessman: spends his days having coffee and on the phone. Never smiles.
The Balkan Gem: this is the most common type. Has an average job, is quick to laugh, is generous to a fault, chivalrous and loves his family.
Is Montenegro LGBTQ-friendly?
Yes and no. It’s uncommon for locals to be openly gay and gay pride parades are routinely cancelled due to violence. However, the coastal areas are much more tolerant and there have never been cases of gay couples being attacked.
Montenegro Travel Tips: Women’s Place in Society
Women’s Rights in Montenegro: Do women have the same position in society as men? How can you tell?
Women have equal rights. But Montenegro is still a conservative and traditional society. Women are almost solely responsible for childcare and household duties.
Local Montenegrin Women: What are some clear cultural differences between you and them?
Local women spend a lot of time on their appearance and it’s the main topic of conversation. They don’t take part in sports often. They embrace their roles as homemakers and are very house proud. And, they all know how to pose for a photo, which I do not!
Women-Specific Environments in Montenegro: Are there places where only women are or are not allowed?
No, all places are open to both women and men.
Perception of Foreign Women in Montenegro: How do local men/women react to you when you say where you’re from?
People are usually surprised I’ve come from a country they consider a paradise. Many here would gladly go to a first-world country like New Zealand with better employment prospects, salaries and no corruption.
Montenegro Travel Tips: Safety
Transportation in Montenegro: Any that are safer/less safe for women to take?
All forms of transportation are safe for women. This is a very safe country. The exception would be hitchhiking, but that can be risky everywhere.
Dangerous area/s in Montenegro: Any specifically for women?
Montenegro is exceptionally safe. You are safe everywhere here at all times of day or night. I feel safer here than at home in New Zealand.
Clothing in Montenegro: What to wear/what not to wear?
Wear whatever you like! You can even go topless on the beach.
Montenegro Travel Tips: Sarah’s Take on Health, Safety and Romance
Related Reading
24 Hours in Montenegro… And Then Some
Montenegro Trip: 48-Hours in the Balkans’ Gem
The Montenegro Train Ride to Serbia
Living in Montenegro: A Conversation with Sarah Pavlovic
A Pilgrimage Into the Unknown: Ostrog Monastery, Montenegro
Have you traveled to Montenegro? Email us at to share your experience and advice with the Pink Pangea community. We can’t wait to hear from you.
Montenegro Travel Tips: Sarah’s Take on Health, Safety and Romance photo credit: unsplash