Prague Nightlife: How to Have Fun and Stay Safe

In the land where beer really is cheaper than water, alcohol is the sin of choice when girls and guys head out for a night on the town. Prague offers a variety of incredible clubs and bars (that you can read more about here) every night of the week, and foreigners and locals alike always take advantage of it.

However, although Prague in general is a very safe city, you can’t always be so sure. When you go out at night, be sure that you have:
1. Your house keys
2. A working cell phone with minutes to call a cab or the police in an emergency—don’t be completely dependent on WiFi
3. Cash
4. An ID of some sort
5. Knowledge of your address (in your head, not written down!)
I sincerely hope that none of you end up in a sticky situation, but should it happen, I want you to be prepared by following a few important safety tips for Prague. When you’re on a Prague pub crawl and introducing yourself to potential new friends—even if only for a night—be sure not to disclose too much personal information.
It’s fine to share where you’re from, but be cautious—think twice about sharing your address in your new study abroad city, how long you’ll be living there, where you’re studying, etc. I hate to say it, but watch the movie Taken and make yourself just a little bit paranoid. It’s way better to worry about these things than to be blissfully ignorant.
When you’re on a pub crawl and introducing yourself to potential new friends – even if only for a night – be sure not to disclose too much personal information.
Now, assume a cute boy at the bar wants to buy you a drink. Let him. Just make sure you go with him to the bar and like a hawk, watch the bartender make your drink. It doesn’t have to be an awkward staredown, but drugging women with drugs is an increasing phenomenon. Even more upsetting is the newest development on this side of Europe—offering young ladies drugged pieces of gum.
Thankfully the Czech Republic has nothing on Italy when it comes to pickpocketing, but it’s still something to be aware of. Try and carry the essentials with you when you’re out and about, but keep your belongings in a small, zippered over the shoulder bag. Don’t make it easy, or you will be a target when the night tram or metro gets crowded.
Go out there and have the time of your life, but be smart and stay safe.
Top photo by Unsplash.