What Women Travelers Need to See the World

When we started Pink Pangea a few years ago, I dreamed that it would be a community where women could find the essential information they needed to see the world. I wanted Pink Pangea to be a place where women who were concerned about traveling off-the-beaten path, to patriarchal societies, on solo adventures, or anywhere at all could find what they needed to take the plunge and go.
The world is endless but what sometimes hold us back are questions about health care, safety, and culture. Now, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with the International Planned Parenthood Federation to provide our community with a directory of hormonal contraceptives around the world. No matter where you’re going, you can find out if the contraceptive you use will be available, or if it’s best to stock up before you go.
We’ve also launched the Pink Pangea Regional Experts Program, where women recruit their friends who are traveling the world to give us the lowdown on safety, health, dating, and women’s rights in their destinations.
Athena, one of our recently accepted Regional Experts recommended that we also request information about whether it’s accepted to breastfeed in public abroad, if someone is traveling with a baby. We love getting this kind of feedback from passionate women who also want to make the world a more accessible place, and we added a question about this to our travel tips questionnaire.
Let us know the kind of information you’re looking for. What kind of knowledge would make you feel more at ease before heading abroad?