Nursing in the USA: The Real Deal with Amie Durocher

Interested in nursing in the USA? Read about Amie Durocher’s highlights and challenges throughout the country.
Tell us about yourself! What do you do when you’re not traveling the world? Where are you from? Where do you currently live?
I am a Car Seat Technician and Creative Director with Safe Ride 4 Kids. I live in Denver with my husband and 3 children ages 9, 8 and 3.
Where did you travel while nursing? What was the purpose of the trip? How old was your child at the time?
Over the years with three children, I traveled quite a bit while nursing. We went to visit family in Florida a couple of times when my first two kids were less than one year old respectively. We flew to New York with our oldest son just before he turned one. He weaned himself right after.
I traveled with my daughter when she was seven months old to LA for a conference. On that flight, I was alone with her and sitting next to a stranger when I had to breastfeed. We flew to San Diego for a family vacation when my daughter was nine months old. We flew with our daughter to California for a conference when she was ten months old. We flew to South Carolina to visit family with our youngest when he was three months old.
In your destination, were there particular nursing areas that you recommend/don’t recommend?
I never sought out nursing areas so I couldn’t even say if there were designated areas where we traveled.
What sort of reactions did you get about your nursing? Did you feel comfortable/uncomfortable nursing there?
The only time I felt uncomfortable nursing was on the plane to LA because I was sitting right next to a stranger and there’s certainly a lack of personal space on airplane seats. I always felt that nursing was the most natural thing to do and I think I brought that energy with me. I never received bad reactions nor was I ever asked to leave. I nursed in restaurants, airports, living rooms, zoos, beaches, conference rooms… anywhere we went during those travels, I nursed.
Is there any nursing/pumping gear that you recommend for traveling?
I was unsuccessful at pumping and my children always fought being covered up while nursing which typically led to a bigger “scene” trying to keep them covered than just going about my business. That was especially so with my youngest who also liked to take breaks and look around so I had to be prepared for that with a cloth to cover up until he went back to eating.
Nursing in the USA: The Real Deal with Amie Durocher.
If you were traveling with your child, what were some kid-friendly highlights? What were some of the challenges in traveling with your child?
I think everything during travels are highlights for kids. The simple things like flying, riding on the subway or playing in a different park are exciting for kids. Our kids certainly have enjoyed visits to Sea World or San Diego Zoo but their favorite is simply going to the beach.
I think the biggest challenge to traveling with kids is all the stuff! The car seats and travel stroller and portable crib and blankets and food and stuffies and… I was so happy when my kids got old enough to use the RideSafer Travel Vest so I didn’t have to carry their car seats or boosters any more!
Are there any tips you’d give someone else who is considering nursing in your destination?
There will always be some people who just don’t know what to do around a nursing mom. I think if you are comfortable and nurse as nonchalantly as you can, everyone else will follow that lead.
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