6 Tips for a Worry-Free Taste of Moroccan Food

As inviting as it always looks, Moroccan food is something you should approach with a bit of caution. There are lots of different dishes that seem (and are) delicious, but unfortunately one constant trend among my student group is that someone always gets sick.
The causes for illness are varied. Some people have traced their bout of sickness to one particular moment or food, while others have been mystified by what exactly caused their problem. So, just in case, here is some advice for staying as healthy as possible in Morocco while still taking advantage of its culinary delights:
6 Tips for a Worry-Free Taste of Moroccan Food
1. Don’t drink the tap water
It is not unsafe and most people here do drink it, but the bacteria found in the water are different than what you (and particularly your stomach) are most likely accustomed to. Therefore, it can cause some minor sickness. Also, watch out for bottles with broken seals that have been refilled.
2. When eating out anywhere, check to make sure that the place is clean first
This has been one of the big issues we’ve been seeing. People who tend to end up getting sick realize only after eating at a certain restaurant that it wasn’t clean.
3. Be careful to purchase fresh food
You don’t want to buy something that has been sitting out in the sun for too long. I often walk by little shops and see bees and/or flies all over some foods. Use caution and maybe ask for one of the pastries that have been in the case, not out in the sun all day.
4. Be certain you know what you’re eating before you eat it!
As fun as it is to experiment, one of the people in my program ordered a sandwich from a street vendor that turned out to be some form of animal brain. He ended up being quite sick for an entire weekend!
5. Don’t forget your fiber
In Morocco, there is a lot of bread and carbohydrates in the local food, so if you are staying here for any length of time be sure to supplement your diet with some fiber.
6. Don’t avoid the doctor
Depending on your exact ailment, doctors will prescribe medication for general food-related sicknesses that is to be taken three times a day with water and coats the stomach, usually allowing respite from symptoms. A few people have also come down with minor colds, which cleared up after a day of sleep and Tylenol as well as lots of fluids.
Despite these warnings, do try as many different types of food as possible from trusted sources! I am living with a host family, and one of the great ways for us to bond is over meals, where they tell me about all of their local foods and have me try them. It’s also fun to learn more about a culture by observing and participating in their customs that revolve around mealtimes.
So eat with caution, but definitely enjoy yourself!

6 Tips for a Worry-Free Taste of Moroccan Food
Related Reading
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Have you traveled to Morocco? What were your impressions? Email us at editor@pinkpangea.com for information about sharing your experience and advice with the Pink Pangea community. We can’t wait to hear from you.
6 Tips for a Worry-Free Taste of Moroccan Food photo credit unsplash.com and Kate Muffay